
Peer Reviewed Research Articles

  1. Middleton, P., Jaramillo, F., and Schuetze, S. M. (1986). Forskolin increases the rate of acetylcholine receptor desensitization at rat soleus endplates. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 83, 4967-4971.
  2. Jaramillo, F. and Schuetze, S. M. (1987). Kinetic differences between embryonic-and adult-type acetylcholine receptors in rat myotubes. J. Physiol. (London). 396, 267-296.
  3. Jaramillo, F., Vicini, S., and Schuetze, S. (1988). Embryonic acetylcholine receptors guarantee spontaneous contractions in rat developing muscles. Nature, 335, 66-68.
  4. Jaramillo, F. and A. J. Hudspeth (1991). Localization of the hair cell’s transduction channels to the hair bundle’s tip by iontophoretic application of channel blockers. Neuron, 7, 409-420.
  5. Jaramillo, F. and Hudspeth, A. J. (1993). Displacement-clamp measurement of forces exerted by gating springs in the hair bundle. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 90, 1330-1334.
  6. Jaramillo, F., Markin V., and Hudspeth, A. J. (1993). Auditory illusions and the single hair cell. Nature, 364, 527-529.
  7. Hall, J. D., Betarbet, S., and Jaramillo, F. (1997). Endogenous buffers limit the spread of free Ca2+ in hair cells. Biophys. J, 73, 1243-1252.
  8. Jaramillo, F. & Wiesenfeld, K. (1998). Mechanoelectrical transduction assisted by Brownian motion: a role for noise in the auditory system. Nature Neurosci, 1, 384-388.
  9. Jaramillo, F. & Wiesenfeld, K. (2000). Physiological noise level enhances mechanoelectrical transduction in hair cells. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 11, 1969-1874.
  10. Frank, J. E., Markin, V., and Jaramillo, F. (2002). Characterization of adaptation motors in saccular hair cells by fluctuation analysis. Biophys J.83, 3188-3201.
  11. Indresano, A., Frank, J. E., Middleton, P., and Jaramillo, F. (2003). Mechanical noise enhances signal transmission in the Bullfrog sacculus. JARO, 4, 363-370
  12. Bennet, M., Wiesenfeld, K. and Jaramillo, F. (2004). Stochastic resonance in hair cell mechanoelectrical transduction. Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 4, L1-L10

Reviews and Conference Proceedings

  1. Jaramillo, F., Howard, J., Hudspeth, A. J. (1990). Calcium ions promote rapid mechanically evoked movements of hair bundles. In The Mechanics and Biophysics of Hearing, Eds: P. Dallos, C. D. Geisler, J. W. Matthews, M. A. Ruggero and C. R. Steele. Springer Verlag. pp 26-33.
  2. Jaramillo, F. (1994). Synaptic transmission by auditory hair cells. In Active Hearing, Eds: A. Flock, D. Ottoson and M. Ulfendahl. Pergamon Press. pp 63-71.
  3. Jaramillo, F. (1995). Signal transduction in hair cells and its regulation by calcium. Neuron, 15, 1227-1230.
  4. Jaramillo, F. (1996). Frequency tuning in the turtle’s cochlea. Who sets the stage? Biophys. J. 70, 2467-2468.
  5. Traynelis, S. F., and Jaramillo, F. (1998). Getting the most out of noise in the central nervous system. Trends in Neurosciences. 21, 137-145 .
  6. Wiesenfeld, K., and Jaramillo, F. (1998). Minireview of stochastic resonance. Chaos. 8, 539-548. Chosen as the journal’s paper of the year for 1998 (
  7. Frank, J. E., Markin, V., and Jaramillo, F. (2002). Motor rumblings: characterization of adaptation motors in saccular hair cells by noise analysis. In Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations (S. Bezrukov editor). AIP conference proceedings.
  8. Wiesenfeld, K., and Jaramillo, F. (2003). Stochastic resonance: From earth’s ice ages to human sensory systems. Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics, N. S. Namachchivaya and Y. K. Lin, editors (Kluwer, 2003).


  • Jaramillo, F. and Schuetze, S. M. (1986). Kinetic differences between embryonic-and adult-type acetylcholine receptors in rat skeletal muscle. Soc. of Neurosci. Abstr.
  • Jaramillo, F. and Hudspeth, A. J. (1991). Iontophoretic application of channel blockers localizes mechanoelectrical transduction to the hair bundle’s tip. Biophys. J. Abstr.
  • Jaramillo, F. and Hudspeth, A. J. (1991). Displacement-clamp measurement of forces exerted by hair bundles during adaptation. Biophys. J. Abstr.
  • Jaramillo, F. and Hudspeth, A. J. (1992). Displacement-clamp measurement of forces exerted by gating springs in the hair bundle. Soc. of Neurosci. Abstr.
  • Jaramillo, F., Markin V., and Hudspeth, A. J. (1993). Two tone distortion products in a single hair cell. Biophys. J. Abstr.
  • Markin, V., Jaramillo, F. and Hudspeth, A. J. (1993). The three-state model for transduction-channel gating in hair cells. Biopsy. J. Abstr.
  • Hall, J. D., Betarbet, S., and Jaramillo, F. (1996). Calcium transients in hair cells: Mathematical modeling of confocal microscopy observations. Soc. of Neurosci. Abstr.
  • Hall, J. D., Betarbet, S., and Jaramillo, F. (1996). Stochastic resonance in hair cells: the contribution of noise to sensory processing in the auditory and vestibular systems. Assoc. Res. Otoralyngol. Abstr.
  • Neff, J., Wiesenfeld, K., and Jaramillo, F. (2001). The dynamics of mechanoelectrical transduction in hair cells. Soc. of Neurosci. Abstr.
  • Jaramillo, F., Frank, J., Markin, V., Kofuji, P. (2001). Hair bundle fluctuations reflect the dynamics of adaptation motors in hair cells. Soc. of Neurosci. Abstr.
  • Indresano, A., Frank, J., Middleton, P., and Jaramillo, F. (2002). Mechanical noise enhances the signal-to-noise ratio of afferent activity in the Bullfrog sacculus. ARO. Abstr.


  • October 28, 2009. Making sense of adaptation: The biochemical and biophysical basis of adaptation in hair cells. Biology Departmental Seminar. Lewis and Clark College.
  • September 16, 2009. Sense and Sensitivity: the sense organs and their exquisite ability to respond to weak stimuli. Neuroscience Without Limits Symposium. Lewis and Clark College.
  • October 12, 2006. Dept. Psychology, Macalester College. An agreeable noise. Brownian motion and mechanoelectrical transduction in hair cells.
  • March 14, 2006: University of Salamanca Brain Week: The brain and quality of life.
  • 2002. Mechanical noise enhances the signal-to-noise ratio of afferent activity in the Bullfrog sacculus. ARO annual conference.
  • 2002: International Conference on “Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, Biology, and High Technology. National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD. September 3-7, 2002 (connected to reference 19).
  • November 6, 2001: Gustavus Adolphus College. The Biology of Hair Cells.
  • March 16, 2000: University of Minnesota Neuroscience Department. Stochastic resonance in hair cells.
  • 1998: First International Conference on Stochastic Resonance in Biology. Arcidosso, Italy. Member of the scientific committee.
  • 1996: The performance of biological sensory systems: experimental behavior compared to theoretical limits. Gordon Research Conference on Bioelectrochemistry, Newport, RI.
  • 1994: Synaptic transmission by auditory hair cells. Meeting on “Active Hearing”. The Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 1990: Calcium ions promote rapid mechanically evoked movements of hair bundles. Meeting on “The Mechanics and Biophysics of Hearing”. University of Wisconsin (Madison), Madison, WI (connected to reference 13).


